This is a search engine for Vital Weekly. What you may get to see is ancient information. We removed all the footers and announcement section, to cut out search engines looking e-mail addresses. But perhaps you stumble on a review and you think that is interesting. Please realize the e-mail address or the website may no longer be valid. Try a google search for the entire internet instead.
Vital Weekly started in april 1995 and runs about 48 issues per year, so you can calculate with a little luck when the issue you are reading was written.
Over the years many people wrote for Vital Weekly, find here their names and initials:
FdW: Frans de Waard
MP: The Square Root Of Sub
CP: Ching-Chong Jing-Jong
RM: Radboud Mens until Vital Weekly 302
RM: Robert Meijer (from Vital Weekly 536)
RTH: Sister Clika
BAR: BAraka[H]
HS: Howard Stelzer
HB: Heimir Bjorgulfsson
DM: Dolf Mulder
MR: Meelkop Roel
DC: David Cotner
RVP: Rene van Peer
IS: Jos Smolders (IS)
BL: Brian Lavelle
GS: Gerald Schwartz
NMP: Niels Mark Pedersen
SH: Henry Schneider
JS: Jeff Surak
TJN: TJ Norris
GK: Gregg Kowlaksky
RT: Roger Teeling
CN: Craig N
BR: Boban Ristevski
MW: Maurice Woestenburg
TD: Toni Dimitrov
CJ: Chris Jeely
(jliat) Jliat
FK: Freek Kinkelaar
MSS: Magnus Schaefer